Factors Important to Cow Calf producers
Weaning Weights
Breed Back
Labor Savings
Forage Utilization
Herd Health
SweetPro® Premium Supplements Stage of Growth and Forage program offers the Right Ingredients in the Right Block.
“Right Ingredients” focuses on providing protein, energy, vitamins and minerals without disrupting the cow’s digestive system from sugars and starches found in molasses and grain based supplements. All of SweetPro block products use Distiller Dried Grains with solubles “DDGs”, Condensed Distiller Solubles “CDS”, the postbiotic yeast culture and multi-prebiotic blend, ProBiotein®, By-Pass protein and organic trace minerals. These ingredients support better forage and nutrient utilization which allows cows to get what they need in order to stay in condition and realize their full reproductive potential.
“Right Block” focuses on matching the right product with the cow’s condition and forage quality. Not all animals are created equal nor are the forages and conditions on which they are raised. Our consumption control based program allows the producer to control intake when these conditions change. Recommended intake on our blocks is 0.75 to 1.25 lbs per head per day. When consumption consistently exceeds this level, just move to the next harder formula. If consumption drops below, move to the next softer formula. Consumption can additionally be controlled by increasing/decreasing distance from water sources. It’s as easy as that! Our program allows you to hold consumption where you need it.
For most cow/calf operations, Yearling Heifers and Cows being fed readily available good quality forage should be started on and use Cattle Kandi, SweetPro 16, or FiberMate 18 up to calving and through breed back. If forages are average or below and conditions warrant, you can step up to FiberMate 20 or Super 25 to control intake. For situations that involve a lack of forage availability and/or quality, Super 25 and Magnum will be the products of choice.
Contact your local SweetPro representative today on which product fits your operation.